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Why do people not venture in Antarctica?

Why do people not venture in Antarctica?

Fragile Environment. Antarctica, like the rest of the planet, is a fragile environment. And it is very susceptible to even the smallest changes in the environment. It has no native human population and the only true residents of the continent are the native wildlife, bacteria, and plant species.

Why don’t we commercially mine in Antarctica?

Mining in Antarctica is banned indefinitely by the Protocol on Environmental Protection (the Madrid Protocol). Before then, the economic challenge of mining in Antarctica prevented any commercial operations. There are deposits of minerals in Antarctica, including coal and iron ore.

Is anything legal in Antarctica?

No country owns Antarctica, instead, all activities are governed by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and associated agreements, referred to collectively as the Antarctic Treaty System. If you are a citizen of a country that is a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, you do need to get permission to travel to Antarctica.

Why shouldn’t we mine in the Artic and Antartic ecosystems?

Mining in Antarctica would be very difficult, dangerous and expensive as the climate is so harsh, the ice is very thick and Antarctica is very remote from major centres of population. This would make the transportation of minerals and equipment in and out of Antarctica hazardous.

Should we exploit Antarctica?

There are no known mineral deposits on the continent, so the argument for exploitation is highly speculative, but it is nonetheless dangerous. Even just exploration would greatly damage the delicate environment, both physically and by greatly increasing the number of people disturbing the landscape and eco-system.

How is the future of Antarctica being protected?

Future of Antarctica Antarctica is fully protected from mineral exploitation and conflict. Under the Antarctic Treaty, Antarctica is a continent dedicated to peace and science. The Environmental Protocol (1991) also currently sets out a comprehensive protection of Antarctica.

Why are there no economic activities in Antarctica?

Their slaughter was driven by economic greed, and had it not been for the respective commissions that were set up to study the effects of these two economic activities they could very well be extinct today in the waters that surround Antarctica. Today, thanks to the Antarctic Treaty, none such economic activities are permitted in Antarctica.

Are there any plans for sealing in Antarctica?

There is currently no commercial sealing in Antarctica and there are no plans to resume.

Can a UAV be used in the interior of Antarctica?

IAATO members allow the recreational use of authorized UAVs in the interior of Antarctica under strict and carefully controlled conditions. Antarctic travellers interested in using a UAV for purposes other than recreational use in Antarctica must check with their tour operator or travel agent in advance of travel.