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Why do places on the same latitude have different climates?

Why do places on the same latitude have different climates?

Temperature differences of larger areas at greater distances (climate) , along the same latitude, are usually caused by either major air currents like the Jet Stream or major ocean currents like the Gulf Stream. They can cause either warmer or colder temperatures (for that latitude).

What factors could cause the difference in climate between the two locations?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important. Some areas have a much larger range between highest and lowest temperature than other areas.

What cities have the same latitude but different climates?

Is latitude making the difference in weather in these three cities? No. These three cities are at the same latitude. They are San Francisco, California; Wichita, Kansas; and Virginia Beach, Virginia.

What is the relationship between climate and latitude?

There is a relationship between latitude and temperature around the world, as temperatures are typically warmer approaching the Equator and cooler approaching the Poles. There are variations, though, as other factors such as elevation, ocean currents, and precipitation affect climate patterns.

Why do cities in Britain and Canada at the same latitudes have different climates?

It is because most of Europe has the advantage of the warm ocean current coming north from the tropics. There is then little interaction with colder air masses and colder ocean currents, so the overall weather in Europe is in general warmer that that seen in Alaska and Northern Canada.

Which of the following must be the reason why two climates that are at the same latitude may still be different?

Two different places at the same latitudes may have different climates because there are other factors that affect the climate in addition to latitude. The climate is influenced by topography, elevation, large bodies of water, global winds and vegetation.

Does the UK have the worst weather in the world?

The British Isles do not experience extreme weather regularly. There have been several occasions where extreme weather events have occurred. In the winter of 1982, for a few days parts of central and southern England experienced temperatures lower than central Europe and Moscow.

Where are two places at same latitude have the same weather?

Examples: — San Francisco and Virginia Beach VA have about the same latitude. — HongKong and Havana, Cuba have about the same latitude. — San Diego, Charleston SC, and Casablanca, Morocco have about the same latitude. Could areas with different climates have the same weather explain?

How does latitude affect the climate of a city?

Yes. Climate is influenced by latitude, but is even more strongly influenced by altitude. Cities at sea level are likely to have warmer and wetter climates than cities in the mountains; coastal cities will be very different from inland cities. Imaginary lines connecting places of the same latitude are known as?

Why are the climates of different US cities different?

The Answer: The climates in the different cities of the United States of America is not the same because of the distance (length) of each city from the closest ocean to it. Is there any two cities in India located at the same latitude but different climate?

How are the climates of New York and Paris different?

So basically, New York is influenced by Continental or land based temperatures, while Paris is influenced by the oceanic temperatures, following the premise that the weather system at their latitude in general moves from west to east. Another consequence of these ocean streams is, for instance, the foggy aspect of San Francisco in summer.