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Why do we need a constitution for Class 9?

Why do we need a constitution for Class 9?

It determines how citizens interact with their governments. – It establishes the concepts and rules necessary for people of many ethnic and religious groupings to live in peace. – It describes how the government will be elected, as well as who will have the authority and obligation to make major decisions.

Why do we need a constitution any 5 Reasons?

(1)basic rules- its has the basic rule on which the democracy functions. it guides in funtioning of a democracy. (2)rights- it defines the right of a citizen over state and other persons. (5)citizenship- it determines the various provisions for gaining and losing citizenship of the country.

Why do we need a constitution very short answer?

Answer: A Constitution helps serve as a set of rules and principles that all persons in a country can agree upon as the basis of the way in which they want the country to be governed. The constitution also spells out the ideals the citizens believe that their country should uphold. That is why we need a Constituition.

What are three reasons a constitution is needed?

First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.

Why do we need a constitution in points Class 8?

We need constitution because it forms the basis structure of a country. It lays down all legal and cultural aspects of the people through what they governed.

Why do we need the constitution of class 8?

Why does a democratic country need a Constitution? In a democracy people choose their representatives and the leaders might misuse their powers. Constitution provides safeguards against this. The constitution guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens for their social, economic, and political welfare.

Why do we need Constitution in a democracy?

We need a Constitution because : (i) It generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for different kind of people. (ii) It specifies how the government will be constituted. (iii) It lays down limits on the powers of the government.

Why do we need a Constitution Class 11?

We need a constitution: To provide a set of basic rules to allow minimal coordination amongst the members of a society. To specify how the government would be constituted and who has power to make decisions in the society. To lay some limitations on government’s power by guaranteeing rights to the citizens.