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Why does Crash bully Penn?

Why does Crash bully Penn?

Book Summary However, Penn makes Crash uncomfortable because he is not intimidated by the bullying and continues to be nice and never does anything back to Crash. We also learn that Crash is jealous of Penn because Penn’s parents are around a lot and are very supportive of him.

Do Penn and Crash become friends?

At the beginning of first grade, Crash meets Penn Webb. Penn and his family are vegetarians and Quakers. He and Crash become instant friends, and the two make it their business to torment and bully Penn. On the first day of seventh grade, Crash meets Jane Forbes.

What is Crash’s real name in the book Crash?

Crash” Coogan Crash
John “Crash” Coogan. Crash is the name.

Why does Jane Forbes not like Crash?

She is also a cheerleader for the middle school. Jane Forbes is a dynamic character because at first she doesn’t like Crash because he bullies Penn then later when he becomes friends with Penn Jane becomes friends with him too.

How did crash and Penn become best friends?

Penn has a special bond with his great-grandfather. It reminds Crash of how important his grandfather is to him and how lucky he is to have him. This the turning point in Crash’s transformation. By the end of the book Crash and Penn become best friends.

Who are the antagonists in crash and Penn?

By the end of the book Crash and Penn become best friends. The two antagonists are Mike Deluca and Crash Coogan. Mike Deluca is an antagonist because he always wants to bully Penn.

Why does crash bully Penn in the book Crash?

In response to Mike’s encouragement (and devilish attitude) Crash soon begins pulling pranks on Penn. As both boys enter middle school, Crash ups the ante. A super-competitive jock, Crash and his goon friends bully Penn whenever they get a chance.

Who are the main characters in crash by Jerry Spinelli?

Crash by Jerry Spinelli has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. John Coogan, known as Crash, has a tendency to crash into people and things, especially other players on the football field. At the beginning of first grade, Crash meets Penn Webb. Penn and his family are vegetarians and Quakers.