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Why does my stomach hurts after drinking milk?

Why does my stomach hurts after drinking milk?

Lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder caused by the inability to digest lactose, the main carbohydrate in dairy products. It can cause various symptoms, including bloating, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. People with lactose intolerance don’t make enough of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to digest lactose.

How do you get rid of a stomach ache after drinking milk?

You can reduce discomfort by doing the following:

  1. Cut back on the amount of dairy you eat or drink.
  2. Have food in your stomach (not more dairy).
  3. Wait several hours before having more dairy.
  4. Choose foods with less lactose.
  5. Substitute soy or nondairy products.
  6. Take supplements that help you digest lactose.

Why is milk suddenly upsetting my stomach?

Lactose intolerance causes some easily recognizable symptoms. If you’ve just eaten dairy products and have any of the following symptoms within 30 minutes to two hours after eating, you may be lactose intolerant. These symptoms all happen because the small intestine can’t properly digest the sugar in dairy products.

Can milk give you stomach ache?

Milk, cheese, and ice cream are all no-no’s with an upset stomach. They’re hard for your body to digest, in part because they’re high in fat.

How do I fix lactose intolerance pain?

Lactose intolerance may not be curable, but there are ways you can manage your symptoms.

  1. Eat smaller portion sizes. Some people with lactose intolerance can handle a small amount of dairy.
  2. Take lactase enzyme tablets.
  3. Take probiotics.
  4. Eliminate types of dairy.
  5. Try lactose-free products.

Why Does drinking milk make me feel sick?

People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) in milk. As a result, they have diarrhea, gas and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products. The condition, which is also called lactose malabsorption, is usually harmless, but its symptoms can be uncomfortable.

Why does my stomach hurt when I drink milk but not eating cheese?

Too little of an enzyme produced in your small intestine (lactase) is usually responsible for lactose intolerance. You can have low levels of lactase and still be able to digest milk products. But if your levels are too low you become lactose intolerant, leading to symptoms after you eat or drink dairy.

Why does milk make my stomach hurt but not cheese?

How do I tell if I am lactose intolerant?

If you have lactose intolerance, your symptoms may include:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Pain or cramps in the lower belly.
  3. Gurgling or rumbling sounds in the lower belly.
  4. Gas.
  5. Loose stools or diarrhea. Sometimes the stools are foamy.
  6. Throwing up.

Why does milk bother my stomach?