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Why does Romeo not want to tell Juliet his name?

Why does Romeo not want to tell Juliet his name?

He announces his presence and says that he cannot tell Juliet his name because she doesn’t like and he says that he will give up his name. They decide that Juliet should send a messenger to Romeo the next day so that Romeo can get tell her the time to get married.

What does Juliet say she will do if Romeo will not give up his family name?

Juliet, musing to herself and unaware that Romeo is in her garden, asks why Romeo must be Romeo—a Montague, and therefore an enemy to her family. She says that if he would refuse his Montague name, she would give herself to him; or if he would simply swear that he loved her, she would refuse her Capulet name.

Why is Juliet embarrassed when she Realises that Romeo has heard what she has said on her balcony?

Mercutio teases Romeo about how love sick Romeo is. Why is Juliet embarrassed by the fact that Romeo has overheard her daydreams? She’s embarrassed because he has heard her say she loves him.

How does Juliet react when she realizes Romeo overheard her talking about him?

Juliet adds that she wishes Romeo could trade in his name and take all of her in exchange. When she makes this entreaty to Romeo, he impulsively responds, Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized. At the sound of his voice, Juliet is startled and embarrassed that he has overheard her.

Who tells Romeo to renounce name?

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” In other words, Juliet asks why Romeo is even called “Romeo.” She asks him to renounce his name and his father (in doing so). If Romeo won’t do that, then Juliet asks for Romeo to say he loves her and Juliet will deny her name.

What does Romeo tell Juliet his name?

What does Juliet say Romeo should do to his name? Juliet says that Romeo should deny his name or change it so that they can be together forever withoit worrying about their families’ rivalry. She wants him to refuse his name.

What does O swear not by the moon mean?

She interrupts him and says the line “O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.” What she’s basically saying is “Don’t swear your love for me by the moon because the moon is constantly changing and I want you to always love me …

What does Romeo swear on that he loves Juliet?

Juliet is worried that he might be saying that he loves her simply because he now knows that he can easily have her. Romeo then says he will swear by the moon that he loves Juliet. This indicates that Romeo was indeed acting honorably, and faithfully, when he pledged his love for Juliet.

Why does Juliet wish she hadn’t yet vowed her love to Romeo?

Because they fell in love so quickly. She wants their love to grow and bloom like a flower. Why does Juliet wish she hadn’t yet vowed her love to Romeo? She wishes she could give her vows again.

Why does Romeo not reveal himself in Romeo and Juliet?

Why doesn’t Romeo reveal himself? His name – because he is a Montague Scene 2 4. Why doesn’t Juliet want Romeo to swear by the moon? Because the moon changes every month and always changing Scene 2 5. About what else is Juliet concerned? It is happening too fast

What’s the meaning of a name in Romeo and Juliet?

A name is just a title someone has, it has nothing to do with them. Even if he had a different name, he would still be the same man she loves. Just like Juliet said, a rose would still smell as sweet even if it were called something else. I personally think that this is a way a 21-century female (inlove) would a name basically because it’s true.

Where does Romeo enter at the beginning of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo doesn’t really enter at the beginning of this scene — he’s been there all along, on the other side of Capulet’s garden wall. However, there is no actual wall, and the earliest texts of the play provide no stage directions to indicate what Romeo does, so later editors have added them, according to how they have imagined the scene.

Who was the only person to know that Juliet had faked her death?

The only person who knew that Juliet had faked her death was Friar Laurence. He does attempt to tell Romeo by sending Friar John to him as a messenger, but Friar John winds up shut up in quarantine as a result of an outbreak of the plague (given the purported timescale of the play, this is a remarkably short quarantine, but let’s roll with it).