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Why does the crotch of my panties look bleached?

Why does the crotch of my panties look bleached?

right – your vagina could totally be bleaching your underwear. That’s because the discharge the vagina produces is acidic, which leads to those orange or white stains on your panties. Dr Kim Sonntag, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, explains: “The vagina naturally has an acidic environment, with a low pH.

Why does my urine bleach my knickers?

When your body is dehydrated, the waste products in your urine are more concentrated. This can cause your urine to have a strong ammonia smell as well as a darker color. When this urine dries on your skin or underwear, you might notice a lingering ammonia smell.

What does gonorrhea look like on a woman?

Gonorrhea symptoms can appear much like common vaginal yeast or bacterial infections. Symptoms include: discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green)

Why do I have a bleach stain in my underwear?

You may notice, though, that even your garden variety discharge can leave a bleach-like stain in your underwear. It’s irritating to discover while folding clean laundry, but it’s not a cause for concern. Here’s what to know. You can blame that “bleached” underwear on your vagina’s naturally acidic pH.

Why does my vagina leave bleached patches in my underwear?

‘This discharge increases during ovulation and pregnancy due to an increase in cervical mucus. ‘When exposed to the air, the discharge can stain underwear a mild yellow colour due to oxidation. ‘Having bleached patches on your underwear is quite normal and generally nothing to worry about.’

Why do I have a yellow stain on my underwear?

The vagina’s discharge – which is a normal, healthy thing, by the way – is naturally acidic, which can leave white or yellow stains on your underwear’s crotch region. Your vaginal discharge’s pH level is on the naturally acidic side, varying between 3.5 and 7.

What can I do to get rid of discharge stains on my underwear?

First off, you could prevent the stains entirely by wearing pantyliners throughout the day. These will create a barrier between your vulva and your underwear, preventing that slightly acidic discharge from hitting the underwear fabric directly.