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Why is graphite used as a lubricant and diamond is not?

Why is graphite used as a lubricant and diamond is not?

Because of its softness and non-volatile nature, graphite is used as a lubricant in the fast moving parts of a machinery. Diamond, on the other hand, is an extremely hard substance; therefore, it cannot be used as a lubricant.

Why is graphite used in pencils and lubricants?

The different layers of carbon atoms present in graphite are bounded by weak van der Waals forces. The cleaning between the layers is done by graphite, thus, it is so slippery and soft. This is the reason why graphite is used in pencil and as lubricants in machines which operate at high temperature.

Why is graphite used in pencils?

The layers in graphite can slide over each other because the forces between them are weak. Graphite is used to make the core or ‘lead’ in pencils because it is soft. The layers are easily rubbed off to leave a mark on paper.

Where is graphite used as a lubricant?

Graphite. Used in air compressors, food industry, railway track joints, brass instrument valves, piano actions, open gear, ball bearings, machine-shop works, etc. It is also very common for lubricating locks, since a liquid lubricant allows particles to get stuck in the lock worsening the problem.

Why does graphite act as a lubricant and conductor?

Graphite as lubricant The rings have many layers of particles. Graphite has a unique honeycomb layered structure. In graphite, various layers are held together by the weak van der Waal’s forces of attraction. The different graphite layers slip one over the other, it serves as a lubricant.

How is graphite used as a solid lubricant?

Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, which occurs as a soft, black, flaky solid. It is a lubricant and a moderate electrical conductor. These graphene layers in graphite are bonded by Vander Waal forces. These forces are weak, which enable the graphene layers to slide over each other.

What makes Graphite a good lubricant?

The most fundamental reason why graphite is a good lubricant is because of its layered structure. Since weaker covalent bonds are present between their layers, they can easily slide over each other and hence enable good lubrication.

Which best explains why graphite is a good lubricant?

Graphite acts as a good lubricant owing to its ability to adsorb water vapour, which is present in between the successive atomic layers. The adsorption of water vapour further reduces the bonding energy, which becomes lower than the adhesion energy between the substrate and the graphite surface.

What are the disadvantages of graphite lubricants?

Graphite as a dry lubricant requires atmospheric contact for optimal performance. Water vapor in the air reduces molecular bonding of the graphite, causing it to slip, thereby reducing friction. The downside of graphite as a lubricant is that it does not bond well to the surfaces it lubricates. It easily falls off and needs to be applied often.

How does graphite act as a lubricant?

Answers Yep graphite acts as a lunricent because it is very sift due to its structure its atoms are arrange in that way to slip over one another ie that is why it is acts as a lubticant Graphite is used as a lubricant because of its soft and slippery nature.