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Why is it important to keep your lungs clean?

Why is it important to keep your lungs clean?

You may not think about the importance of your lung health until you experience a breathing problem. Your lungs provide oxygen and keep every other organ functioning by removing carbon dioxide from your body. Genetics, disease, and the environment can affect the health of your lungs and cause respiratory problems.

Why is it important to protect your lungs and keep them healthy?

Sometimes we take our lungs for granted. They keep us alive and well and for the most part, we don’t need to think about them. That’s why it is important to prioritize your lung health. Your body has a natural defense system designed to protect the lungs, keeping dirt and germs at bay.

Why is it important to strengthen your lungs?

People living with lung disease can and should get regular exercise for all the same reasons as everyone else. Your lungs and heart stay stronger, you are better able to perform the tasks of daily living and you feel better in mind and body.

Is it good to have strong lungs?

The muscles between your ribs expand and contract, and the air sacs inside your lungs work quickly to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. The more you exercise, the more efficient your lungs become. Creating strong, healthy lungs through exercise helps you to better resist aging and disease.

What are the reasons why lungs become unhealthy?

What causes lung disease?

  • Smoking. Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes is the number one cause of lung disease.
  • Radon. This colorless, odorless gas is present in many homes and is a recognized cause of lung cancer.
  • Asbestos.
  • Air pollution.

Is caring for the respiratory system important why?

Your respiratory system brings oxygen into your body and helps to remove carbon dioxide. Problems with your respiratory system can reduce the oxygen that reaches your lungs, which can make you unwell.

How do healthy lungs benefit us?

Your lungs bring fresh oxygen into your body. They remove the carbon dioxide and other waste gases that your body’s doesn’t need.

What are the reason why lungs become unhealthy?

Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes is the number one cause of lung disease. Don’t start smoking, or quit if you already smoke. If you live or work with a smoker, avoid secondhand smoke. Ask smokers to smoke outdoors.

What happens inside the lungs?

When you inhale (breathe in), air enters your lungs and oxygen from the air moves from your lungs to your blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste gas, moves from your blood to the lungs and is exhaled (breathe out). This process is called gas exchange and is essential to life.