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Why is the area around my piercing dark?

Why is the area around my piercing dark?

Why Is the Skin Black (or Gray) Around Your Piercing? When they come into contact with body fluids (sweat, natural oils on your face, etc.), these metals tarnish and often cause the skin around a piercing to oxidize. This oxidization is what causes the gray stain.

Is it normal for piercing to look bruised?

What is Normal: Bleeding, bruising, discoloration and/or swelling are not uncommon. Any break in the skin, including a new piercing can bleed or bruise. These are not indications of any complication.

Why is my piercing bump purple?

In response to injury, cells in the skin — called fibroblasts — produce excessive collagen, which leads to the development of a keloid. Keloids can take 3–12 months to develop after the original injury. They start as raised scars that can be pink, red, purple, or brown and typically become darker over time.

What color is an infected piercing?

Check if you have an infected piercing Your piercing might be infected if: the area around it is swollen, painful, hot, very red or dark (depending on your skin colour) there’s blood or pus coming out of it – pus can be white, green or yellow. you feel hot or shivery or generally unwell.

What happens if you Overclean a piercing?

Piercings are very prone to accidental knocking & they can easily become red, swollen and infected. NEVER knock the piercing or fiddle with it. Only touch the piercing when changing the jewellery or tightening beads. OVERCLEANING CAN CAUSE INFECTION.

Why is my cartilage piercing swollen and purple?

Inflammation and irritation The healing process can take many months. During this period, the body’s immune system tries to heal the wound and prevent bacterial infections. Shortly after a piercing, it is not unusual to experience some bruising, redness, or swelling. A swollen bump may form around the piercing.

What is normal after a piercing?

You will probably have some initial swelling and redness around your piercing. Your piercing may leak small amounts of clear, whitish or yellowish fluid (not puss). Your piercing may get itchy as it heals. Your skin may tighten around your piercing jewelry, and may not move freely once healing is complete.

What can I put on an infected piercing?

Gently pat dry the affected area with clean gauze or a tissue. Then apply a small amount of an over-the-counter antibiotic cream (Neosporin, bacitracin, others), as directed on the product label. Turn the piercing jewelry a few times to prevent it from sticking to the skin.

How do you get rid of a piercing infection?

Treating the infection at home

  1. Wash your hands before touching or cleaning your piercing.
  2. Clean around the piercing with a saltwater rinse three times a day.
  3. Don’t use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or antibiotic ointments.
  4. Don’t remove the piercing.
  5. Clean the piercing on both sides of your earlobe.

What does an irritated piercing look like?

How can you tell if your piercing is infected? According to Thompson, the telltale signs of an infection are simple: “The area around the piercing is warm to the touch, you notice extreme redness or red streaks protruding from it, and it has discolored pus, normally with a green or brown tint,” Thompson says.

Is it normal that my ear is purple after a cartilage piercing?

If your whole ear has turned purple, that’s definitely not normal at all. If you’re concerned it’s more than normal bruising, chat with a doctor. If you got your cartilage pierced with a gun, definitely go talk to a doctor – your cartilage may have shattered.

Is it normal to have crusty skin after a body piercing?

If you just had your body pierced and you start to notice a crusty material around the piercing site, don’t worry. Crusting after body piercing is perfectly normal—this is just the result of your body trying to heal itself. Dead blood cells and plasma make their way to the surface and then dry when exposed to air.

Is there a weird dark spot around your piercing?

Is there a weird dark spot around your piercing? The cause of a gray or black piercing hole is usually jewelry made with improper or inferior metals that turn your skin black, gray, bluish-gray, or grayish-black in color. ” Argyria ” is the proper term for this condition caused by exposure to silver or silver compounds.

Is it normal to get a red bump after a piercing?

A red bump is very common, although you will need to do a few things. First, you need to put in a quality surgical stainless steel, niobium or titanium CBR in the piercing but do not do it yourself. Buy the jewelry at your professional piercing studio or tattoo parlor.