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Why is there a shortage of 22 caliber ammunition?

Why is there a shortage of 22 caliber ammunition?

The ongoing ammo shortage is not the result of any single issue. It stems from several social, economic, and political events in the United States and worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic, the George Floyd protests, and the 2020 US presidential elections have contributed to the shortage.

Is .22 ammo still being made?

22 shells are in short supply, reported CBS. Interviewing one supplier, CBS reported that while as recently as a couple of years ago it was still possible to buy . 22-caliber ammunition “by the pallet-load… now they’re putting restrictions on how much you can get and how you get that ammo.” They still are.

Will Walmart still sell .22 ammo?

I was curious to see the state of the store’s ammunition stock in the aftermath of Walmart Inc.’s (WMT) announcement that it no longer will sell certain types of ammunition, including handgun ammo, as well as . 22 LR ammunition, which is used in handguns and rifles.

What ammo is most available?

Rifle ammunition
Rifle ammunition is the most available. Averaging the five dealers, 3.5% of their total selection was in stock when we checked last week. If you think that’s depressing, it gets worse. Only 2% of handgun ammo was available, 1.7% of shotgun ammo, and 1.2% of rimfire ammo.

Are ammo prices going to go back down?

‘Bite the bullet’ and buy now: Ammo prices likely won’t drop for 12 to 24 months. Prices are still sky high, however, and industry leaders estimate it could be 12 to 24 months before the cost of ammunition returns to pre-COVID levels.

How long can Ammo be stored?

Ammunition isn’t a perishable good – if stored correctly, it can last almost indefinitely. Whether it was stored correctly or not is another matter. Ammunition isn’t like the still-edible 5000-year-old honey found in Egyptian tombs; ready to eat and spread on toast.

Is Walmart getting rid of ammo?

“As the current incidents have remained geographically isolated, we have made the decision to begin returning these products to the sales floor today,” a company spokesperson said.

Why is the ammo gone?

There is no shortage of guns and ammo — we are manufacturing more than ever. [The problem] is actually a massive increase in demand, on an unprecedented scale. Supply can simply not keep up with demand.” Large manufacturers such as Vista Outdoor are experiencing the same challenges related to supply and demand.

Is there a shortage of.22 rimfire ammo?

As of November 2015 at least, “.22 rimfire ammunition has evaporated again.” This is a problem for ammunition retailers — and for gun owners as well. Statistically speaking, 24%-45% of Americans own guns either for self-defense or sporting purposes. But getting the ammo to load into those guns isn’t always easy.

How much does a round of 22 ammo cost?

And even when .22 ammo is obtainable, it costs more than it used to. Historically, .22 ammo retailed for about $0.05 a round. From 2008 to 2013, though, .22 ammo more than tripled in price. Today, it’s not quite that bad.

What kind of ammo do you need for a 22 caliber rifle?

It is some GEMTEC Subsonic .22 LR, 42 grain LRN ammo for $47.50 a brick (500 rounds). The other is some Lapua/SK .22 LR Standard Plus for $57.90 a brick.

Why is there a shortage of ammo in the US?

ATK subsidiary Federal Cartridge Company attributes ammo shortages to “high demand for our products,” and said flat out that the biggest increases in ammunition purchases are coming from “the civilian market.” (This means you). Olin Corp’s Winchester Ammunition agrees it is “that experiencing an extremely high demand.”