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Why lumbering is difficult in tropical forest?
Tropical forest is moist, swampy & unhygienic. Great variety of pests, insects, flies and wild animals present in the area, makes lumbering a very difficult task. The forest is very dense and impenetrable. Besides, recurrence of many tropical diseases and epidemics create health hazards and sanitary problems.
Why is logging bad for the Amazon?
Deforestation causes the forest to dry out and can cause drought and wildfires. Reduction of Biodiversity – The destruction of forests destroys the homes, habitat and food sources for the species that live there. The loss of one species in an ecosystem can affect others who rely on it.
Why are rainforests disappearing?
The ever-growing human consumption and population is the biggest cause of forest destruction due to the vast amounts of resources, products, services we take from it. Direct human causes of deforestation include logging, agriculture, cattle ranching, mining, oil extraction and dam-building.
Why are the rainforests of the Amazon basin disappearing?
Because of Deforestation, the rain-forest of the Amazon basin is disappearing. Explanation: The Amazon Basin is a portion of South America evacuated by the tributaries and Amazon River. It stretches from the Brazilian mountains on the south side to the Guiana Mountains on the north side.
Why are the rainforest of Amazon basin disappearing?
What is causing deforestation in the Amazon?
Cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Forestland has little value—but cleared pastureland can be used to produce cattle or sold to large-scale farmers, including soy planters. In the mid- to late-2000s, the situation in the Brazilian Amazon began to change.
Why is lumbering very easy in the temperate forest?
Climate: Climate in temperate region is conducive to lumbering. As the temperature is cool and pleasant, workers can continue their activities longer without much tiredness. Easy transportation: As trees are un-branched, shorter and lighter, transportation is easier.
Why did the lumbering industry fail in tropical regions?
So, lumbering industry cannot thrive very long in a specific area. Transportation plays a very significant role in the overall development of lumbering industry. In tropical region, due to inaccessible nature of the terrain, large vehicles and machines cannot be operated.
Why is logging bad for the Amazon rainforest?
Little consideration is given to safeguard timber stocks for future harvests, and this leads to the usual litany of biodiversity loss, over-hunting of wildlife and subsequent conversion for agriculture or pasture. Although selected logging targets specific commercially valuable trees, logging methods usually result in collateral damage.
What kind of climate does the Amazon basin have?
1 The Climate. Amazon basin is situated in the equatorial region which is hot and humid all through the year. 2 Browse more Topics under Human Environment Interactions. Read more about Life in Ganga Brahmaputra Basin here in detail. 3 The Rainforest. As it rains throughout the year the forests here are dense. 4 People.
Why is lumbering in temperate regions so lucrative?
Absence of branches and shorter tress are other favourable factors which make lumbering in temperate regions more lucrative. As trees are un-branched, shorter and lighter, transportation is easier. Customarily, extraction is done during winter, when the labour is cheaper and woods remain in the frozen river beds.