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Why profit maximization is not the goal of financial management?

Why profit maximization is not the goal of financial management?

Financial management pursues two sorts of goals-profit maximization and wealth maximization. Profit maximization is an inappropriate goal because it’s short term in nature and focus more on what earnings are generated rather than value maximization which comply to shareholders wealth maximization.

Why is profit maximization not the most important goal of a company?

Profit maximization is an inappropriate goal because it’s short term in nature and focus more on what earnings are generated rather than value maximization which comply to shareholders wealth maximization. In the short term, profit maximization may pursue such action which might be proved harmful in the long run.

What are the disadvantages of wealth maximization?


  • It is more based on an idea that is prospective and not descriptive.
  • The objectives laid in such a technique are not clear.
  • Wealth maximization is to a great extent dependant on the profitability.
  • It is based on the generation of cash flows and not on the accounting profit.

Should the goal of a financial decision making be profit maximization or wealth maximization?

According to this criterion, the financial decisions (investment, financing and dividend) of a firm should be oriented to the maximisation of profits (i.e. select those assets, projects and decisions which are profitable and reject those which are not profitable).

What are the limitations of profit maximization goal?

While profit maximization in financial management has the potential to bring in extra money in the short-term, long-term earning could be drastically diminished. Lowering production quality for the sake of increased profits will hurt your brand, upset customers, and allow competitors to steal your business.

Why is profit maximization not ideal?

cash flows and risk. risk and cash flow. Profit maximization as a goal is not ideal because it does NOT directly consider. profit maximization does not consider risk.

Why the financial manager should maximize their wealth?

In summary, the wealth maximization as an objective to financial management and other business decisions enables the shareholders to achieve their objectives and therefore is superior to profit maximization. For financial managers, it is a decision criterion being used for all the decisions.

What is one major consequence of a focus on maximizing shareholder value?

Corporations that concentrate on maximizing shareholder value might lose focus on what customers want, or might do things that are not optimal for consumers. For instance, a corporation might choose to cut production costs by using lower-quality parts in its products.

What are the drawbacks of profit maximization goal?

Drawbacks of profit maximization include: risks associated with cashflows, the interests of stakeholders, and the timing of returns.

Is profit maximization an appropriate goal for financial managers?

Is Profit Maximization An Appropriate Goal For Financial Managers? According to conventional theory of the firm, profit maximization is considered to be the principal objective of the firm because price and output decision associated with a firm is usually based on the profit maximization criteria.

Which is the best definition of sales maximization?

Definition and Objectives. Sales maximization refers to plans and strategies employed by a business to increase its sales or revenues to the highest attainable level.

Who is responsible for maximizing sales and profit?

In addition to achieving sales targets, a sales manager is expected to maximize sales to provide growth and increase profits. Profit maximization is a task that falls into the hands of a general business manager or CEO. That person is the one who is in control of all aspects of business operations.

How does profit maximization affect the long term?

While profit maximization in financial management has the potential to bring in extra money in the short-term, long-term earning could be drastically diminished. Lowering production quality for the sake of increased profits will hurt your brand, upset customers, and allow competitors to steal your business.