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Why should coal mining continue?

Why should coal mining continue?

Coal will remain an important part of the global energy mix for the foreseeable future. This is because coal delivers secure, affordable and reliable energy and is a critical input for steel-making, cement and alumina.

What is the purpose of coal mining?

Coal mining is the process of extracting coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content and since the 1880s has been widely used to generate electricity. Steel and cement industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore and for cement production.

Is Coal Mining good for the environment?

Coal mining is by nature disturbing and destructive of the environment. Open cast mining removes large volumes of soil and rock overburden to get to the workable coal seams, and destroys regional aquifers. Mining produces large mountains of solid waste. Coal heaps are prone to spontaneous combustion.

What are the benefits of using coal as an energy source?

Advantages of Coal

  • Huge Global Reserves.
  • Not an Intermittent Energy Source.
  • Reliable Fuel.
  • Inexpensive Energy Source.
  • Independent of the Weather.
  • Plenty of Applications.
  • Compatible With Other Energy Sources.
  • Creates Jobs.

Will coal still be used in the future?

A forecasted rebound in 2021 could be short-lived, with no further increases in demand expected between 2021 to 2025, provided the economic recovery from the pandemic continues and policy initiatives remain unchanged. Despite progress to reduce global reliance on coal, its use is projected to remain stable till 2025.

Who uses coal and for what purposes?

Coal is used primarily in the United States to generate electricity. In fact, it is burned in power plants to produce more than half of the electricity we use. A stove uses about half a ton of coal a year. A water heater uses about two tons of coal a year.

How does coal mining affect the community?

Communities have been forcibly displaced and their lands destroyed. Communities that live near mines suffer from air and water pollution. They face reduced life expectancies and increased rates of lung cancer and heart, respiratory and kidney disease.

How does coal impact the environment?

Climate change is coal’s most serious, long-term, global impact. Chemically, coal is mostly carbon, which, when burned, reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas. Consequences of global warming include drought, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather, and species loss.

Is coal an efficient energy source?

Figures from the World Coal Association, a keen advocate of HELE, show that the average efficiency of coal-fired power plants around the world today is 33 percent. Modern state-of-the-art plants can achieve rates of 45 percent, while “off-the-shelf” rates are around 40 percent.

What are the dangers of working in a coal mine?

Even as they face the risk of mines collapsing, or catching on fire, or the long term health threats like black lung. As Curtis Burton, who spent the last 17 years working in or for coal mines in Pennsylvania, told Business Insider, coal mining is a hard job, but it’s also entirely unique.

Is it good for the environment to burn coal?

Coal can be mined and burned with little environmental impact. There has been tremendous strides in environmental responsibility with mining coal and burning coal. However, there still is pressure of global warming.

How is coal an example of a nonrenewable resource?

Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel in the United States. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient organisms. Because coal takes millions of years to develop and there is a limited amount of it, it is a nonrenewable resource.

How many days a week do coal miners work?

Down in a coal mine, there’s no such thing as a “nine to five.” Coal miners enter a coal mine for the start of an afternoon shift near Gilbert. Robert Galbraith / Reuters Miners usually work shifts, and they can be on for 10 days in a row.