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Why should we save the blobfish?

Why should we save the blobfish?

Importance. Blobfish help control populations of species like sea urchins, shellfish, and mollusks. They are a very intriguing species, so it would be a shame if we lost them. They were deemed “World’s Ugliest Animal” in 2013 and mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.

What is blobfish ecosystem?

Life as a Blob As it turns out, the blobfish has good reason to be so ugly: its habitat shaped it that way. Blobfish live in deep water just off the ocean floor around southeastern Australia and Tasmania. At depths of 2,000 feet or greater, the water pressure is crushing—more than 60 times that of water at the surface!

Why is the blobfish important?

Blobfish serve an important role in the ocean ecosystem; as a bottom feeder, they keep many populations from explosive growth, like crustacean and mollusks, and help keep the ocean floor clean of an abundance of plant matter.

How has the blobfish adapted to its environment?

Blobfish have adapted to a body structure consisting mainly of gelatinous mass and very low muscle density as a part of their exclusive adaptations. In fact, this unique body structure allows the blobfish to float in the depths of the ocean with very little energy because its flesh is slightly less than water.

Is the blobfish a keystone species?

The ever important krill, the infamous great white shark, and the unlucky blobfish. Krill, however, are what is considered to be a keystone species. Keystone species are incredibly important because without them, the food web as we know it would literally fall to pieces.

Why is the blobfish important to humans?

God made them unique to survive the depths of the ocean, and this is good for us because not many animals would survive depths like that, but the blobfish is able to eat the small animals on the ocean floor and help keep the ocean floor clean. …

Why is the blobfish important to the ocean floor?

God made them unique to survive the depths of the ocean, and this is good for us because not many animals would survive depths like that, but the blobfish is able to eat the small animals on the ocean floor and help keep the ocean floor clean. So why is this important?

Where do Blob fish live and how long they live?

Blob fish are found in mysterious animals, deep-sea waters off Australia and New Zealand coasts. They live in the deep sea where the water temperature is slightly above the freezing point. So we come to know where does the blobfish live. They are found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.

What kind of food does a blobfish eat?

Most blobfish eat mollusks, tiny snails that live on the ocean floor, sea urchins and organic debris. The blobfish has a very small digestive system compared to most species of fish; however, the process of breaking down food in the body is very similar.

Can a blob survive in the deep ocean?

At depths of 2,000 feet or greater, the water pressure is crushing—more than 60 times that of water at the surface! If you lived down that deep, you’d probably be squished into a blob, too. Fortunately for the blobfish, they’ve adopted a way of living that allows them to survive just fine as a blob in the deep ocean.