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Why was Cortes so impressed by the Aztec city?
The buildings and riches of the the city impressed the spaniards. The spanish wanted to convert the Aztec to Christianity because they saw the Aztec Empire as a good source of gold and silver. How was Cortes able to defeat the mighty Aztec?
Was Cortes impressed by Aztecs?
He selected Cortes to lead an expedition to Mexico in 1519. The expedition, with 600 Spaniards on 11 ships, landed on the east coast of Mexico near the present city of Veracruz. Even Cortes, who had seen the vast cathedrals of Spain, was impressed by the Aztec temple in what is now Mexico City.
What happened between Hernan Cortes and the Aztecs?
During the Spaniards’ retreat, they defeated a large Aztec army at Otumba and then rejoined their Tlaxcaltec allies. In May 1521, Cortés returned to Tenochtitlán, and after a three-month siege the city fell. This victory marked the fall of the Aztec empire.
What is one reason you might believe that Montezuma welcomed Cortes into the Aztec capital?
Montezuma’s decision to welcome Cortés into his city reflected his strength and intelligence, not his weakness. Years of reports of Spaniards along the coastline suggested they were in the Americas to stay.
How did Cortés conquer the Aztecs?
Spanish conquistadores commanded by Hernán Cortés allied with local tribes to conquer the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlán. Cortés’s army besieged Tenochtitlán for 93 days, and a combination of superior weaponry and a devastating smallpox outbreak enabled the Spanish to conquer the city.
What was Hernán Cortés known for?
Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (c. 1485-1547) is best known for conquering the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain. Cortés ignored the order and traveled to Mexico anyway, setting his sights on overthrowing ruler Montezuma II in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.