Table of Contents
Why was GFEBS created?
GFEBS is intended to allow the Army to meet the requirements of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service Guide to Federal Requirements for Financial Management Systems (the Blue Book).
How much did GFEBS cost?
The life-cycle cost estimate for GFEBS, which includes anticipated costs for the initial system investment, system operation and support, and existing systems phase-out, is $2.5 billion.
What is SAP for Gfebs?
General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software tool built on Systems Applications and Products (SAP) that provide reliable data to better enable the Army leadership (Active, Guard, Reserve) to make decisions in support of the Warfighter.
What are the main objectives of the gfebs?
The main objective of GFEBS is to improve accountability and stewardship and to standardize financial and business processes. GFEBS will bring a majority of the Army financial management into a single system allowing the Army to fully assess performance and costs.
Why was gfebs-SA deployed to the classified environment?
Despite the global pandemic, Principal Deputy ASA (FM&C), Jonathan D. Moak, along with the functional community, believed it was imperative to deploy GFEBS-SA to the classified environment. The system will provide the Army with auditability and efficiencies not previously realized. “This is a huge win,” said Moreau.
What is the general fund Enterprise Business System ( gfebs )?
The General Fund Business Enterprise System (GFEBS) is a Major Automated Information System (MAIS) program and completing the developmental phase. It will follow the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture which is aligned to the mandated Federal Enterprise Architecture. GFEBS was implemented to fulfill the needs
The Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and the Army’s GFEBS portfolio managers quickly forged a strategic alliance to navigate away from STARS-FL and over to the GFEBS platform.