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Why was the Constitution a reactionary document?

Why was the Constitution a reactionary document?

We describe the US Constitution as a reactionary document because it was written as a reaction to the American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. It was written so as to guarantee there would never be another king, this was spelled out in the separation of powers, which broke up the power of the government.

Is the Constitution revolutionary or reactionary?

Therefore, the U.S. Constitution was both a counter-revolutionary document and an extension to the American Revolution. The beginning of the Constitution provides a basis for one to question the righteousness of the Framers intentions.

What was the greatest challenge facing the framers of the US Constitution?

Americans feared a strong central government. Congress made up of one house. All 13 states had to agree on amendments. Each state had one vote in Congress.

Why did the anti federalists believe the new Constitution was a class based document?

Why did the anti-federalists believe the new Constitution was a class-based document. They believed that the new Constitution was a class-based document because it seemed to protect the economic elite. It is a constitution that is not written, thus nothing can be unconstitutional.

How was the US Constitution a revolutionary document?

We too often forget that the Constitution is a revolutionary document. It embodied a fundamental re-scripting of assumptions about government. They likewise elevated the legislature, the people’s representatives, over the executive in distributing power within government.

Was the Constitution as ratified a betrayal of the promises of the revolution?

For all its failures, the Constitution remains after 200 years one of the great protectors of property rights in human history. As such, it was not a betrayal of the principles of 1776 as much as an effort to reopen the debate of that period, freed of the pressure of war.

Was the Constitution a revolutionary document?

We too often forget that the Constitution is a revolutionary document. It embodied a fundamental re-scripting of assumptions about government. The Constitution also established a new but untested and controversial theory about the relationship between power and liberty, the two lodestars of the revolutionary struggle.

Which is an example of economic elitism in the Constitution?

Economic elitism can also be seen in the parts of the constitution that give Congress powers over the regulation and value of money, bankruptcy laws, weights and measures, and so forth.

What was the purpose of the United States Constitution?

“We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ”

Why was the American Constitution biased towards elites?

Therefore the Constitution was always going to be biased towards elites because even though the majority of the population were small freeholding farmers their views were not taken into account at the Convention for the simple reason that none of the delegates really came from that section of the nation.