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Why were both means of transportation important to the growth of industry?

Why were both means of transportation important to the growth of industry?

11.17 Improved transportation made it easier for people to travel west and settle in the backcountry and for farmers and merchants to move their goods to market quickly and cheaply.

What contribution did Eli Whitney make to American industry quizlet?

it helped get the weaving done faster and it was more efficient. What contributions did Eli Whitney make to manufacturing? he made the cotton gin, and interchangeable parts.

Who was the first to operate a steamboat as a commercial success?

-Robert Fulton, who successfully built and operated a submarine (in France) in 1801, before turning his talents to the steamboat. Robert Fulton was accredited with turning the steamboat into a commercial success on August 7 1807.

What important change took place in how factories were powered?

What important change took place in how factories were powered? Factories shifted from water power to steam power which allowed them to be built almost every where.

How did the development of canals and railroads differ?

How did the development of canals and railroads differ? Private companies built railroads, while the federal government built canals. State governments built canals, while private companies built railroads.

How did railroads affect the industrial revolution?

The railway allowed people to flock to cities and allowed people to travel newer places as well. Business boomed due to the railway with the mass increase of people and goods. All in all, the railway was a major success in all aspects of the Industrial Revolution especially in time and distance.

What did textile manufacturers do to keep the costs of running a mill low?

what did textile manufacturers do to keep the costs of running a mill low? hired children and payed them very little. the “rhode island system” was samuel slater’s strategy of doing what? hiring families for workers and dividing work into simple tasks.

How did the cotton gin affect the Southern economy from 1800 to 1860 quizlet?

How did the cotton gin affect the plantation economy? By making it possible to clean fifty pounds of cotton in a day, it made cotton profitable. About what percentage of the slave population of the Upper South was uprooted and sold to the Lower South in the internal slave trade between 1820 and 1860?

How did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States?

How did the appearance of canals and steamboats in the United States affect the flow of goods and information during the 1830s? The canals and steamboats cut in half most travel and communication time.

What problems did steamboats solve?

Steamboats and Rivers Traveling upstream was much more difficult, however. The problem of traveling upstream was solved during the Industrial Revolution by the steam engine. In 1807, Robert Fulton built the first commercial steamboat. It used steam power to travel upstream.

How did water powered factories differ from steam powered factories?

How did water powered factories differ from steam-powered factories? A water-powered factory did not create pollution and could only operate near water, but a steam-powered factory did create pollution and could operate anywhere on land.

Which invention made it possible to power boats and locomotives as well as looms?

One steam engine could power many spindles and looms. This meant that people had to leave their homes and work together in factories. Early in the 19th century the British also invented steam locomotives and steamships, which revolutionized travel.