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Why would you add a thought track to a still image?

Why would you add a thought track to a still image?

To create an improvisation from a still image. To participate in discussion work. To evaluate a piece of drama.

What is thought tapping in drama?

Thought tracking (also called thought tapping) is a quick fire strategy enabling children to verbally express their understanding of characters and situations without the need for rehearsal. Students gain confidence to speak in front of others, preparing the ground for them to move into extended improvisation.

Why do we use hot seating in drama?

This is an exercise to deepen understanding of character. An actor sits in the hot-seat and is questioned in role, spontaneously answering questions they may not have considered before. Hot-seating helps an actor become more familiar with their role.

What is hot seating mean in drama?

Hot-seating is a drama strategy in which a character or characters, played by the teacher or a child, are interviewed by the rest of the group. • It invites children to recount a specific event, explore motivation and multiple perspectives/experiences related to a theme, topic, event, or idea within a story.

What is thought as an element of drama?

Thought (“Dianoia”) Traditionally, characters in a play or movie may comment on the theme or ask questions around it, prompting the audience to do the same.

What is conscience corridor in drama?

Conscience Alley is a drama strategy, sometimes referred to as a Decision Alley or Thought Tunnel. For example, Macbeth could walk through a Conscience Alley when wavering about whether to murder Duncan. The character’s voiced thoughts may come directly from a script or might be inferred from it.

When to use thought tracking in a scene?

Sometimes the character might feel something different to the words they’re speaking. This is called subtext and thought-tracking is a useful way of exploring it to realise the many layers within a scene. This is an exercise to deepen understanding of character.

Which is the best definition of thought tracking?

thought tracking. Definitions. The voicing of the actor’s thoughts out loud to illustrate the atmosphere of a tableau/freeze-frame. The student (or actor) voices the character’s thoughts or feelings out loud. Usage: The student (or actor) used thought tracking to voice the thoughts or feelings of the character.

Can you use thought tracking in the classroom?

Thought tracking can easily be employed in the classroom with children at their desks. The video is a sample from the Power Up online course by Drama Resource and NILE Online (available from January 2018).

When to use thought tracking and hot seating?

Thought-tracking and hot-seating A thought-track is when a character steps out of a scene to address the audience about how they’re feeling. Sharing thoughts in this way provides deeper insight into the character for an audience. In rehearsal it’s an effective way of exploring characters and scenes in greater depth.