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Will I pay less child support if I have another child?

Will I pay less child support if I have another child?

Having another child will somewhat reduce how much child support you pay. An extra dependent increases your basic living costs in child support calculations. Just make sure the other parent is a good earner. Otherwise, you could end up paying a lot more child support in the future!

What age do you stop paying child support in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, a person’s child support obligation will stop “as a matter of law” (more on that in a second) when one of the following things happens: The child turns 18 and is not enrolled in high school. (He or she has either graduated or dropped out when he or she turns 18.)

Who is responsible for child support if both parents are under 18?

If both parents are under 18 (and unemancipated) at the time of the child’s conception, their parents (the child’s grandparents) share primary responsibility for supporting the child.

Do you have to pay child support if you are a parent?

If you are a parent, you have a responsibility to financially support any child that you parent. Your parental responsibilities are legally determined in one of two ways: You acknowledge that you are a parent by welcoming your child into your home and caring for them as your own State laws vary on the definition of a parent.

Who is liable for the support of a minor child?

Any person, agency, organization or institution that stands in loco parentis (“in place of a parent”) of a minor unemancipated child who has a baby may be secondarily liable for the support of the minor child if the judge orders this (after considering many factors).

Can a noncustodial teenage father pay child support?

Another significant change implemented by the Welfare Reform Act is that parents of a noncustodial teenage father (the grandparents of the minor-mother’s child) are liable to pay child support until their teenage son emancipates, if the minor-mother receives welfare.