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Can a solution be heterogeneous?

Can a solution be heterogeneous?

No, a solution cannot be heterogeneous. A solution is a one-phase mixture that is homogeneous. A solute is a substance that is dissolved in another substance known as the solvent in such a mixture.

Is a solution considered a liquid?

The term solution is commonly applied to the liquid state of matter, but solutions of gases and solids are possible. Air, for example, is a solution consisting chiefly of oxygen and nitrogen with trace amounts of several other gases, and brass is a solution composed of copper and zinc.

Are solutions always homogeneous?

All solutions are homogeneous mixtures, but not all homogeneous mixtures are solutions. When a homogeneous mixture contains only one phase, then it is a solution. That makes it one phase, because no solid is tangible or visible. An example of a homogeneous mixture that is not a solution is homogenized milk.

Why can’t a solution be heterogeneous?

In a true solution ( sometimes also referred as only solution ) , solute is dissolved uniformly and the solute has a uniform composition throughout the solution. So, a solution ( Also called True solution) can never be heterogeneous due to its uniform composition.

Are solutions aqueous or liquid?

The main and basic difference between an aqueous solution and liquids is that a liquid is a state of matter which has some typical characteristics which distinguishes it from other states of matter, i.e., solids and gases; whereas an aqueous solution is a solution where the solvent is water, which is a liquid, and some …

Are all solutions are liquid in form?

Solutions can be solids dissolved in liquids. Solutions can also be gases dissolved in liquids, such as carbonated water. There can also be gases in other gases and liquids in liquids. If you mix things up and they stay at an even distribution, it is a solution.

Are all liquids homogeneous?

Many of the liquids you encounter every day are examples of homogeneous mixtures. These liquids include the beverages you drink, your bodily fluids and household cleaning materials.

Why is solution considered a homogeneous?

All solutions would be considered homogeneous because the dissolved material is present in the same amount throughout the solution. One characteristic of mixtures is that they can be separated into their components.

Can a solution be 2 liquids?

A solution can also be made of two or more liquids, two or more gases, liquids and gases, and theoretically even two solids. Solutions are homogeneous mixtures. They consist of two or more components mixed in a single phase. That phase does not have to be a liquid.