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How can workability be improved?

How can workability be improved?

Explanation: Workability of concrete can be improved by more cement and water with proper water cement ratio. Explanation: Workability should be obtained by the use of a well-graded aggregate which has the largest maximum particle size possible.

What factors affect the strength and workability of concrete?

The Factors that Affect the Workability of Concrete are Given Below:

  • Water Content of the Concrete Mix:
  • The Size of Aggregates:
  • The shape of Aggregates:
  • Surface Texture of Aggregates:
  • The Porosity of Aggregates:
  • Grading of Aggregates:
  • Uses of Concrete Admixtures:
  • Ambient Temperature:

Which of the following factors affect the workability?

Factors affecting the workability of concrete are materials such as water content, cement concrete, sand and aggregate properties such as size, shape, grading, mix design ratio and use of admixtures.

How can we reduce workability?

Temperature. High temperature reduces workability and increases slump loss. Slump loss is less influenced by temperature in stiff mixes because this type of mix is less affected by a change in water content.

Why does workability decrease with time?

With the passage of time after mixing ingredients of concrete with water, workability of concrete starts shrinking. This happens because of fluidity loss from the concrete. Fluidity is the amount of available water in concrete that is being utilized in hydration of cement compounds for the sake of bonding.

What are the workability tests?

Workability of concrete is defined as the ease and homogeneity with which a freshly mixed concrete or mortar can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished. Strictly, it is the amount of useful internal work necessary to produce 100% compaction.

How can we improve workability of the concrete without changing the compressive strength?

How To improve the workability of concrete

  1. Increase water/cement ratio.
  2. Increase size of aggregate.
  3. Use well-rounded and smooth aggregate instead of irregular shape.
  4. Increase the mixing time.
  5. Increase the mixing temperature.
  6. Use non-porous and saturated aggregate.
  7. With addition of air-entraining mixtures.

How can the workability of concrete be improved?

Explanation: Increasing the water cement ratio, helps in improving the workability of the concrete.

Why is curing needed?

Curing plays an important role on strength development and durability of concrete. Properly cured concrete has an adequate amount of moisture for continued hydration and development of strength, volume stability, resistance to freezing and thawing, and abrasion and scaling resistance.

What is true slump?

True slump refers to general drop of the concrete mass evenly all around without disintegration. It may undergo segregation and bleeding and thus is undesirable for the durability of concrete. Collapse slump indicates that concrete mix is too wet and the mix is regarded as harsh and lean.

How can we measure workability?

  1. Slump Test. The concrete slump test or slump cone test is the most common test for workability of freshly mixed concrete which can be performed either at the working site/field or in the laboratory.
  2. Compaction Factor Test.
  3. Flow Test.
  4. Vee Bee Consistometer Test.
  5. Kelly Ball Test (Ball Penetration Test)

Why We Do slump test?

A concrete slump test measures the consistency of a concrete batch to see how easily the concrete will flow. The test not only observes consistency between batches, but it also identifies defects in a mix, giving the operator a chance to amend the mix before it is poured on site.