How do you get rid of wood Slaters?
To get rid of slaters / woodlice:
- Kiwicare LawnPro Protect can be sprinkled on soil and gravel areas where slaters are found.
- To stop slaters moving indoors apply a barrier of LawnPro Protect in a ring around the building and spray around the base of walls, around vents, doorways and windows with NO Bugs Super.
What do Slaters like eating?
Slaters are a multi-legged, land-living crustacean found all over Australia. They are known as Wood Lice, Pill Bugs and Roley Poleys. They’re scavengers, which mean they mainly feed on decaying organic matter and, in doing so, recycle nutrients and help build soil.
Why is the outside of my house covered in woodlice?
James explained: “As the weather gets warmer and drier, woodlice look for damp places to hide out of the sun and can end up in your house. “If you have woodlice in your house, move them to a shaded spot in the garden and fill in any holes they might have used to get into the house.
Why am I getting Slaters in my house?
Normally, damp areas attract woodlice but in most cases, these crustaceans enter your home by accident and are found just wandering around. Woodlice may be found anywhere in your home but most commonly will be found on the ground floor having entered via poor seals around doors and windows or through air vents.
How do you get rid of Slaters naturally?
Turn compost frequently to discourage slaters. Store timber, bricks and rocks in full sun. Trap slaters in hollowed out orange halves or fill cardboard tubes (such as empty toilet rolls) with organic matter like potato peelings. Dispose of any slaters that congregate there overnight.
How do I stop Slaters eating my strawberries?
You can also stop slaters from eating young plants by growing plants like strawberries in pots or on structures that keep the leaves and fruit off the ground. When sowing seed, keep mulch clear of the furrow as slaters don’t like venturing far from cover.
How do I stop Slaters coming inside?
Prevent them from getting into your home by making sure you don’t have any damp, moist places which will attract them. Clear away leaves and debris from the outside walls of your home, especially near ventilation bricks and grilles. Keep your outside drains and gutters clear of debris.
Can you put coffee grounds straight on the garden?
Adding coffee grounds directly to the soil as a fertiliser can be a good option. Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients, especially nitrogen. They also have some amount of other nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. Overall, this means that adding coffee grounds to your garden can work fairly well as a fertiliser.
How do you keep Slater bugs away?
Turn compost frequently to discourage slaters. Store timber, bricks and rocks in full sun. Trap slaters in hollowed out orange halves or fill cardboard tubes (such as empty toilet rolls) with organic matter like potato peelings.