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How do you read a footnote?

How do you read a footnote?

Jump to a footnote or endnote

  1. After opening a document that has footnotes or endnotes, place the cursor on a footnote or an endnote reference.
  2. To move to the footnote reference text at the end of the page, press the SR key+Insert.
  3. To read the footnote or endnote, press the SR key+R.

How do you reference an article in a footnote?

Footnote A footnote for a newspaper article should include: Name of author (if known); title of the article, month, day and year of publication; the edition (final, West Coast, etc.) if available; the section if in print or the URL if found online. You can omit page numbers.

What information goes in a footnote?

[The information given in a footnote includes the author, the title, the place of publication, the publisher, the date of publication and the page or pages on which the quotation or information is found.]

How do you reference an article?

References to journal articles should include the following:

  1. The author of the article – by surname and initial(s)
  2. Year of publication.
  3. The title of the article.
  4. The title of the journal (in italics or bold)
  5. The volume number.
  6. The part or issue number.
  7. The page numbers.

How do you write a footnote in a legal research paper?

Footnote numbers are placed in superscript, usually at the end of the sentence. If you are referring to a word, place the footnote number directly after the word. If you cite one source multiple times, use ibid or supra after the first citation rather than repeating the full citation.

How do you write a footnote example?

Footnote examples for different source types

  1. Author first name last name, Book Title, edition. (Place of publication: Publisher, year), page number(s), URL.
  2. Author last name, Shortened Book Title, page number(s).
  3. Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 3rd ed.
  4. Covey, 7 Habits, 75–7.

How do you do footnotes in academic writing?

How to insert footnotes

  1. Place the cursor where you would like the superscript number to appear.
  2. Click on “Insert Footnote” in the “References” tab.
  3. The corresponding number will be automatically inserted in the footer ready for you to add the footnote citation.
  4. Type in your footnote citation.

How do you reference a review article?

Ensure you use the correct date depending on the version of the book you have read and are citing in your work.

  1. Author/editor (if it is an editor always put (ed.)
  2. Title (this should be in italics)
  3. [E-reader version]
  4. Edition (if not the first edition)
  5. Place of publication (where available)
  6. Publisher.
  7. (Year of publication)

When should you insert a footnote?

In most cases, a footnote occurs at the end of the sentence with the information that you want to cite or discuss. Some style guides provide for a number after the closing punctuation, followed by a period. In others, superscript numbers are preferred. You’ll typically only have one footnote per sentence.

Where to put a footnote?

Footnotes can be placed at the bottom of the page (bottom-aligned footnotes), or immediately below the document main text (top-aligned footnotes). Endnotes can be placed either at the end of each section, or at the end of the document itself (after the last document section).

How do I cite a numbered footnote?

Add the footnote number to cite a specific footnote. If the information you’ve paraphrased or quoted is found in a footnote rather than in the text itself, it’s appropriate to direct your readers to that particular footnote by using the letter “n” followed by the footnote’s number. For example: “(Eggers 23n4).”.

Where does a footnote go?

Footnotes are notes placed at the bottom of a page. They cite references or comment on a designated part of the text above it.