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How long is AIT for National Guard?

How long is AIT for National Guard?

Twenty-two weeks of One Station Unit Training, which includes Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field at Fort Benning, GA. The skills you learn will help prepare you for any chosen career.

Does National Guard go home after AIT?

What Happens After AIT? After you complete AIT, you will participate in a graduation ceremony signifying your ending of initial training. For those who are in Reserve or National Guard units with no further training required, you will return home and report to your unit for weekend drills.

How long is National Guard basic training and AIT?

10 weeks
All National Guard members must complete 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training, the same boot camp attended by full-time Army Soldiers.

How long is AIT training in the Army?

Advanced Individual Training, or AIT, is where new soldiers receive specific training in their chosen MOS. The length of AIT training varies depending on the MOS and can last anywhere from four weeks to nearly a year. Just like in BCT, AIT progressively allows trainees more privileges and independence.

Do you get paid for AIT in the National Guard?

Will I get paid while I complete Basic Training and technical schools? Yes, you will get active duty pay during Basic Military Training and technical school. The pay that you receive will be determined by your rank.

Is Ait like basic training?

AIT is the next step after you complete Basic Combat Training. During AIT, you learn the necessary skills, discipline and work ethic you need to perform your specific Army job.

Do you get paid during AIT?

Yes you get paid for basic training and ait. If you are married or have children they pay even more. It is also based on rank of service.

What does AIT mean?

After you complete Basic Combat Training, you’re ready for the next step. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) is where you will learn the skills to perform your Army job. At one of many diverse AIT schools, you’ll receive hands-on training and field instruction to make you an expert in that specific career field.

Do you go straight to AIT after basic training?

Whether you go right after Basic Combat Training or after your Phase 2 RSP (Recruit Sustainment Program) training, you’ll eventually go to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). In all likelihood, unless you’re in One Station Unit Training (OSUT), your AIT will be at a different post from your BCT.

What happens at AIT training?

Advanced individual training is where you will learn the skills needed to perform a specific Army job, such as artillery or engineering. At your AIT school, you’ll receive hands-on training and field instruction to make you an expert in that career field.

How much money do you make at AIT?

Ait Program Salary

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $110,000 $53
75th Percentile $63,000 $30
Average $61,088 $29
25th Percentile $42,000 $20

Does National Guard belong to active army?

The National Guard may be called up for active duty by the governors to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. The National Guard is administered by the National Guard Bureau, which is a joint activity of the Army and Air Force under the DoD.

Is the National Guard considered military?

In this sense, the national guard is a reserve component of the US military, but unlike the actual Reserves, are not normally considered a part of the armed forces, though training and regulations do not differ.

How long is AIT for Army National Guard infantry?

AIT training lengths vary from 4 weeks to over 50 weeks . The shortest AIT is currently Infantry with 4 weeks of training. There are several MOSs that have training times above 50 weeks.

Does the Army National Guard actually go to war?

The National Guard consists of the Army National Guard and the Air Force Air National Guard. While federally funded, the National Guard is organized and controlled by state. However, in times of war, the National Guard can become federalized and deployed. The National Guard engages in a number of activities. During local emergencies, National Guard units assist communities endangered by storms, floods, fires, and other disasters. National Guard companies