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What are the factors affecting farm production?

What are the factors affecting farm production?

affect farming. Climatic factors such as light, water and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming. Physical factors such as topography/relief, soil and climate affect farming.

What are the factors to consider in selecting farm site?

Climatic factors. These factors are referring to rainfall, humidity, wind pressure and direction, temperature etc.

  • Socio-economic factors.
  • Edaphic factors.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Government policies.
  • Biotic factors.
  • Economic factors.
  • How does proper site selection affects the production of vegetable crops?

    An ideal topography for vegetable production is one that is nearly flat to slightly sloping, well drained, and, free of trees, rocks and low areas. Efficiency of crop maintenance, irrigation and harvest operations is greatly enhanced in fields with this type topography.

    What are the factors that affects the productions?

    Most economists identify four factors of production. These are land, capital, labour and enterprise.

    What do you mean by farm choice and factors affecting it?

    There are at least four main categories of factors that influence farmers’ crop choice-environmental, farm and household (including demographic), economic, and institutional. Environmental factors include land characteristics, type of soil, weather seasons, and closeness to water sources, roads, and urban cities.

    Why it is important to make a plan in selecting the farm site?

    The layout and the management of your farm will largely be influenced by the kind of site you select. The site therefore will strongly affect the cost of construction, the ease with which the ponds can be managed, the amount of fish produced and, in general, the economics of your enterprise.

    Why Site selection is important in agricultural production?

    Site selection is the single most important factor in fruit production and can make a pronounced difference on how well and abundantly fruit will grow. Planting location can have a significant effect on potential production. Sloping sites provide the best protection against frost.

    What are the factors to consider in choosing vegetables?

    When shopping for vegetables, key factors are firmness and color. Choose those that are as firm or crisp as possible and consistent in coloring. Unlike fruit, smell doesn’t play a big factor in a vegetable’s freshness, although anything that smells overly sweet or sour is likely passed its prime.

    What are biological factors affecting farming system?

    Moisture, temperature and carbon availability need to be synchronised for optimal performance of a range of key biological functions that include: (1) nutrient mineralisation and uptake by plants; (2) nitrogen fixation (symbiotic and non-symbiotic); (3) control of root pathogens; (4) disease suppression; (5) promotion …

    What do you think are the factors influencing the decision of farmers with regards to the schedule of harvesting?

    While the major factor determining the time of harvest is the maturity of the crop, other factors such as weather, availability of harvest equipment, pickers, packing and storage facilities, and transport are important considerations.

    What are the main factors that affect farm income?

    This article throws light upon the seven main factors which affect farm income. The factors are:- 1. Size of Farm 2. Rate of Production 3. Choice and Combination of Enterprises 4. Intensity of Cultivation 5. Labour Efficiency 6. Input Output Ratio 7. Capital Efficiency. Factor # 1.

    How does site location affect the total cost of production?

    A guiding principle should be followed in this regard i.e., “higher the proposition of the cost of raw materials to the total cost, the greater is the possibility of choosing a site near the source of raw materials.” Labour cost is one of the main constituents of the total cost of production. It influences the total cost of production.

    How is land considered a factor of production?

    Characteristics of Land as a Factor of Production 1 The land is a free gift of nature. 2 The land has no cost of production. 3 It is immobile. 4 The land is fixed and limited in supply.

    How does location affect the location of industries?

    On the other hand, market as a factor of location will not affect much the location of industries using heavy and weight losing raw material. For example, iron and textile units are situated near the coal supplying centres. Similarly sugar factories are located very near the sources of raw materials.