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What does SSG do in school?

What does SSG do in school?

SSG functions to serve as representative of the students in voicing their opinion, suggestions, and grievances; to make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs, and activities; to act as coordinating council of all co-curricular organizations in the school; to participate in the …

What type of power is SSG?

The Supreme Student Government (SSG) is the most powerful and highest governing body in the Institution. It composed of officers duly elected by the entire student body in the tertiary level.

What are the SSG positions?

1 The officers of the SSG are the duly elected President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer, Year Level Chairperson if applicable and the Year Level Representatives.

Why do you want to join the student council?

Student council truly gives you the opportunity to foster skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, organization and public speaking – all of which you need in university. Not only do these skills help you in class but they’re also super valuable if you’re interested in co-op programs and job applications.

What is the responsibility of SSG officer?

Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school; Act as chief peace officer and over all Sergeant – At- Arms of subordinate organizations and classes; Chairman of the Students’ Welfare Committee and appoint its members; and, Perform such other duties assigned by the SSG.

What is the goal of SSG?

The Supreme Student Government aims to lay the groundwork for unity and cooperation among students by providing them a venue where they can improve their leadership abilities. It also seeks to train students to become better members of the society with the ideals and principles of participative democracy.

Why is Goku black skinny?

Due to Zamasu’s godly nature, it’s possible that merging with Goku’s body affected him in the same way that the Ssj God form affected Goku’s body. That’s exactly how I thought of it. Black is technically Super Saiyan God and SSR is his Super Saiyan God’s Super Saiyan.

Who are the members in the SSG General Assembly?

Section 2 The officers of the SSG are the duly elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer, Grade Level Chairperson if applicable and the Grade Level Representatives.

What is the role of SSG representative?

Serve as the grievance desk for their respective year level; Conceptualize and implement programs and projects, and recommend policies for their respective year level; Assist in the effective implementation of the SSG’s programs and projects; and, Perform such as other duties assigned by the SSG.

What is an SSG adviser?

Supreme Pupil Government/Supreme Student Government (SPG/SSG) Adviser Duties and Responsibilities. SPG/SSG Adviser is expected to perform the following duties and responsibilities, to wit: Shall monitor all programs, projects, activities, and meetings of the SPG/SSG at all times.