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What drain is used for fluid collection?

What drain is used for fluid collection?

The most common type of surgical drain carries the fluid into a collection bulb that you empty. This is called a Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain. The drain uses suction created by the bulb to pull the fluid from your body into the bulb. The rubber tube will probably be held in place by one or two stitches in your skin.

What are the types of drainage systems?


  • Surface drainage systems.
  • Subsurface drainage systems.
  • Main drainage systems.
  • Main drainage outlet.

What is a Hemovac device?

A Hemovac drain is used to remove fluids that build up in an area of your body after surgery. The Hemovac drain is a circular device connected to a tube. One end of the tube is placed inside you during surgery. The other end comes out through a small cut in your skin, called the drain site.

What is a Hemovac used for?

A Hemovac drain is placed under your skin during surgery. This drain removes any blood or other fluids that might build up in this area. You can go home with the drain still in place.

How does a medical drain work?

These drains are most commonly used in wounds, after surgery where dead space is present, or when accumulation of fluid is anticipated. They work by capillary action, gravity, overflow, or fluctuations of pressure gradients caused by body movement.

What is a Blake drain?

DEFINITIONS. Blake Drain: Radiopaque silicone drain with 4 channels along the sides. They are flexible fluted drains that exert constant suction over the entire length of the fluted portion of the drain with noncollapsible tubing and long channels for drainage.

What is corrugated drain?

Corrugated drains are intended for open passive drainage, used in situations where wounds must be kept open. They are placed directly into the wounds left to heal by secondary intent. The product is intended for single use only.

What is a Penrose drain used for?

A Penrose drain is a soft, flat, flexible tube made of latex. It lets blood and other fluids move out of the area of your surgery. This keeps fluid from collecting under your incision (surgical cut) and causing infection.

What is the most common type of drainage pattern?

dendritic drainage pattern
A dendritic drainage pattern is the most common form and looks like the branching pattern of tree roots. It develops in regions underlain by homogeneous material.

How long do drainage tubes stay in?

Your surgeon will usually remove the bulb when drainage is below 25 ml per day for two days in a row. On average, JP drains can continue to drain for 1 to 5 weeks.