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What is an example of an understatement?

What is an example of an understatement?

An understatement is a figure of speech employed by writers or speakers to intentionally make a situation seem less important than it really is. For example, you win 10 million dollars in a lottery. When you tell a news reporter “I am delighted,” you are making an understatement.

What is the meaning of understatements?

1 : a statement that represents something as smaller or less intense, or less important than it really is : a statement that understates something To say that I was surprised by this outcome would be an understatement.

What is the example of Litotes?

Litotes is a figure of speech and a form of understatement in which a sentiment is expressed ironically by negating its contrary. For example, saying “It’s not the best weather today” during a hurricane would be an example of litotes, implying through ironic understatement that the weather is, in fact, horrible.

What is an understatement in grammar?

Understatement is a figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Contrast with hyperbole.

Why are understatements used?

By definition, an understatement is when you represent something as less than what it is. This can be done in writing or in speech. When you make an understatement, the issue at hand is minimalized or made to seem less important or severe. This can be done for an ironic effect or simply to be polite.

What does happy is an understatement mean?

/ˈʌndərsteɪtmənt/ ​[countable] a statement that makes something seem less important, impressive, serious, etc. than it really is. To say we were pleased is an understatement (= we were extremely pleased).

Is understatement a bad thing?

Meaning of understatement in English. a statement that describes something in a way that makes it seem less important, serious, bad, etc.

What is an example of a hyperbole?

Hyperbole is a figure of speech. For example: “There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army!” For example: “This is the worst book in the world!” – the speaker doesn’t literally mean that the book is the worst one ever written, but is using hyperbole to be dramatic and emphasize their opinion.

Is litotes a sarcasm?

is that litotes is (rhetoric) a figure of speech in which the speaker emphasizes the magnitude of a statement by denying its opposite; a figure of speech in which understatement is used with negation to express a positive attribute; a form of irony while sarcasm is (uncountable) a sharp form of humor, intended to hurt.

What is an Anthypophora?

Hypophora, also referred to as anthypophora or antipophora, is a figure of speech in which the speaker poses a question and then answers the question.

What does happiness is an understatement mean?

​[countable] a statement that makes something seem less important, impressive, serious, etc. than it really is. To say we were pleased is an understatement (= we were extremely pleased).

What is the example of hyperbole?

Hyperbole is a figure of speech. For example: “There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army!” In this example, the speaker doesn’t literally mean that there’s enough food in the cupboard to feed the hundreds of people in the army.