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What is another word for clone?

What is another word for clone?

Someone or something that is visually identical to another. replica. duplicate. double. facsimile.

What’s the parent of a clone called?

If I were cloning a plant, the parent plant would be the parent to all the clones. When they tissue culture hostas and make clones I have seen the source plant called the mother plant. I guess you could use donor if you wanted to get all clinical. Or perhaps The Clone Daddy if you wanted to be hip.

What is clone slang for?

informal. a person or thing bearing a very close resemblance to another person or thing. 4. slang.

What is a bacteria clone?

Abstract. Isolates of bacterial species that are indistinguishable in genotype are assigned as a clone, with the implication that they are descended from the same recent ancestor.

Does a clone have the same DNA?

Clones contain identical sets of genetic material in the nucleus—the compartment that contains the chromosomes—of every cell in their bodies. Thus, cells from two clones have the same DNA and the same genes in their nuclei.

Are bacteria daughter cells clones?

When a bacterium divides, it doesn’t produce two identical daughter cells. Instead, as the cell grows and elongates during the prelude to division, it must synthesize additional cellular material.

Would a human clone have the same personality?

Myth: Clones have exactly the same temperament and personality as the animals from which they were cloned. Temperament is only partly determined by genetics; a lot has to do with the way an animal has been raised.

Which is the best synonym for the word clone?

Synonyms for clone. alter ego, carbon, carbon copy, counterpart, doppelgänger. (or doppelganger), double, duplicate,

Who is the opposite sex clone of Alex?

Alex creates an Opposite Sex Clone of himself named Alice, who eventually grows male genitalia and becomes a hermaphrodite, then loses her female organs and becomes a man, then regrows her female organs becoming a hermaphrodite again, then she loses her male organs and becomes a regular female again.

How are robots cloned in the real world?

Physical robots are performance-tested in real-world environments, while their digital clones enter a software program, where they undergo rapid simulated evolution. It repurposes its worn-out, grown-up cells and spurts out hundreds of fresh-faced identical clones in a jiffy.