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What is comment give an example?
The definition of a comment is a statement or remark. An example of a comment is a statement released in the paper that someone made about a scandal going on.
What are the comments in C and C++?
Comments in C++ Program comments are explanatory statements that you can include in the C++ code. These comments help anyone reading the source code. All programming languages allow for some form of comments. C++ supports single-line and multi-line comments.
What is a comment statement?
A comment statement is where the programmer place a remark in the source code. The content of the comment is ignored by the compiler.
What is language comment?
Comments are used in a programming language to document the program and remind programmers of what tricky things they just did with the code, or to warn later generations of programmers stuck with maintaining some spaghetti code. An end-of-line comment terminates at the end of the line.
What are some uses for comments in C?
Comments provide clarity to the C source code allowing others to better understand what the code was intended to accomplish and greatly helping in debugging the code. Comments are especially important in large projects containing hundreds or thousands of lines of source code or in projects in which many contributors …
What is comment in C Plus Plus?
- Single-line comments (informally, C++ style), start with // and continue until the end of the line. If the last character in a comment line is a \ the comment will continue in the next line.
- Multi-line comments (informally, C style), start with /* and end with */ .
How do you make comments in C?
A comment starts with a slash asterisk /* and ends with a asterisk slash */ and can be anywhere in your program. Comments can span several lines within your C program. Comments are typically added directly above the related C source code.
What is written comment?
Written commenting is a process that allows individuals, organizations, agencies, and businesses to provide written input on proposed environmental decisions. While commenting may first happen internally within the lead agency, this booklet focuses opportunities for the public to comment on a public draft.
What are comments mainly used for?
Often cited as one of the most useful and least used programming conventions, a comment is a text note added to source code to provide explanatory information, usually about the function of the code. Comments are usually helpful to someone maintaining or enhancing your code when you are no longer around to answer …
Which of the following is used for comments in C?
4. Which of the following is used for comments in C++? Explanation: Both the ways are used for commenting in C++ programming. // is used for single line comments and /* … */ is used for multiple line comments.
What are some uses for comments?
Comments are text notes added to the program to provide explanatory information about the source code. They are used in a programming language to document the program and remind programmers of what tricky things they just did with the code and also helps the later generation for understanding and maintenance of code.