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What is the another name of height?

What is the another name of height?

What is another word for height?

elevation tallness
stature altitude
highness loftiness
inches measurement
distance upwards extent upwards

What is synonym and antonym of tall?

tall. Synonyms: high, lofty, towering, elevated. Antonyms: low.

What do you call a person that is very tall?

hulk. noun. someone who is very tall and heavy.

What’s another word for tallness?

What is another word for tallness?

height stature
elevation loftiness
lankiness size
inches altitude
highness length

What is the synonym of tall?

big, high, large, huge, towering. colossal, gigantic, giant, monstrous, giant-size, Brobdingnagian. lanky, rangy, gangling, leggy, long-legged. informal long. short, small.

Which of the following is a synonym of tall?

The words high and lofty are common synonyms of tall.

Are big and tall synonyms?


  • big.
  • great.
  • lanky.
  • rangy.
  • soaring.
  • towering.
  • beanstalk.
  • elevated.

What is tall height?

In the United States, men are generally considered tall if they are 5’11” or taller, and the average height for men is 5’9”. The conception of “tall” changes by country, but if a man is 2-3 inches taller than the average height for men in his country then he is typically seen as tall by his culture.

What is Opposite of pro?

Antonyms: con, anti. Synonyms: professional person, master, professional.

What is the Opposite Tiny?

Antonym of Tiny Word. Antonym. Tiny. Big, Huge, Giant, Great, Immense, Vast. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

Which is the closest synonym for the word tall?

1 extending to a great distance upward. tall skyscrapers that cast long shadows over the park. Synonyms for tall. altitudinous, high, lofty, towering. Near Antonyms for tall. flat,

What’s the difference between a big and a tall thing?

Big refers to the overall size of something whereas tall refers to the height of something. Big can be used with people and objects whereas tall is specially used with people.

Which is an example of tall in a sentence?

Examples of tall in a Sentence All the children in my family grew up to be very tall. My mother is short but my father is fairly tall.

What’s the difference between high, tall and lofty?

high, tall, lofty mean above the average in height. high implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation or are placed at a conspicuous height above a lower level.