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What is the prefix for dispensable?

What is the prefix for dispensable?

The word “indispensable” consists of the negative prefix “in-,” which means “not,” and the word “dispensable,” so we can infer that it means “not dispensable.” That inference would be correct, as “indispensable” is an adjective that means “absolutely necessary,” so we need to pick out a word that means something like “ …

What prefix can be added to allow?

The word comes from allow, with its root allouen, “to praise, approve of, or be pleased with,” with the Latin prefix dis in front, here meaning “do the opposite of.”

What prefix can be added to kind?

prefix un-
For instance, adding the prefix un- to the word kind creates the word unkind, meaning not kind.

What does it mean when something is dispensable?

capable of being dispensed
dispensable in American English (dɪˈspensəbəl) adjective. capable of being dispensed with or done without; not necessary or essential. capable of being dispensed or administered.

What is the prefix of Approve?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for PREFIX WITH “APPROVE” [dis]

What is the prefix of appropriate?

The word “appropriate” means correct or proper and since the little prefix “in” turns its meaning around, something inappropriate is considered not proper or suitable. Nowadays, it seems, anything goes.

How do you use dispensable?

capable of being dispensed with or done without.

  1. Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
  2. Part-time workers are considered dispensable.
  3. A garage is useful but dispensable.
  4. All those people in the middle are dispensable.
  5. They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.

Can a person be dispensable?

If someone or something is dispensable they are not really needed. All those people in the middle are dispensable.

What is dispensable in Tagalog?

Translation for word Dispensable in Tagalog is : hindi sapilitan.

Which is the best dictionary definition of dispensable?

Define dispensable. dispensable synonyms, dispensable pronunciation, dispensable translation, English dictionary definition of dispensable. adj. 1. Not essential; unimportant: dispensable items of personal property. 2. Capable of being dispensed, administered, or distributed: dispensable drugs….

How are prefixes used to change the meaning of a word?

There are many prefixes that don’t negate the original meaning of the root word, but rather alter it in unique ways, such as expressing relationships of time, place or manner. Prefixes are sometimes added to complete English words or to root word stems that can be traced to Latin or Greek.

Can a prefix be attached to a proper noun?

Remember that some prefixes can share a meaning, such as il-, in-, im- and ir-, and that you do not generally hyphenate a prefix unless it’s attached to a proper noun (though there are some exceptions, as illustrated by a few of the examples in the tables).

What does the prefix deactivate mean in English?

This prefix means to undo something and is usually attached to a verb. Thus, you can take the verb activate, which means to put something to use, and change it to deactivate, which means to take something out of use.