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What is this word settle?

What is this word settle?

verb (used with object), set·tled, set·tling. to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions). to place in a desired state or in order: to settle one’s affairs. to pay, as a bill. to close (an account) by payment.

What’s another word for settle down?

What is another word for settle down?

descend settle
fall drop
sink land
perch touch down
light alight

What is the best synonym for settlement?


  • agreement.
  • arrangement.
  • compensation.
  • contract.
  • deal.
  • establishment.
  • payment.
  • resolution.

What is another word for Settle Differences?

What is another word for settle your differences?

iron out arbitrate
smooth over straighten out
unravel agree
compromise eliminate
erase put right

What does settle out mean?

1 adjust, dispose, order, put into order, regulate, set to rights, straighten out, work out. 2 choose, clear up, complete, conclude, decide, dispose of, put an end to, reconcile, resolve. 3 (often with) on or upon agree, appoint, arrange, choose, come to an agreement, confirm, decide, determine, establish, fix.

What is the same meaning of get settled?

Some common synonyms of settle are decide, determine, resolve, and rule.

What does settling mean?

to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there: Once we’ve settled in, we’ll have you over for dinner.

What does get settled mean?

“Getting settled in” to a place means becoming comfortable there. You “get settled in” to: a new city. a new home.

What means to settle?

to decide,arrange,or agree (often fol.

  • to arrange matters in dispute; come to an agreement: to settle with a person.
  • Business to pay a bill; make a financial arrangement (often fol.
  • to take up residence in a new country or place: Many Frenchmen settled along the Mississippi River following La Salle’s explorations.
  • definition : settling. Settling is the process by which particulates settle to the bottom of a liquid and form a sediment. Particles that experience a force, either due to gravity or due to centrifugal motion will tend to move in a uniform manner in the direction exerted by that force.

    What does settled in mean?

    settle in(to) (something or some place) To become comfortable in and accustomed to a new location, environment, or circumstance. to become accustomed to one’s new surroundings; to get used to living in a place or a new dwelling.

    What does it mean to “settle down” exactly?

    settling down means giving up on ur hopes and dreams to stay where ur at right now in life.