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What term means medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need for treatment?

What term means medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need for treatment?

tri·age. (trē’ahzh), 1. Medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority for treatment order.

What is the medical definition of triage?

Triage is the prioritization of patient care (or victims during a disaster) based on illness/injury, severity, prognosis, and resource availability. The term triage originated from the French verb trier which means to sort.

What term means wound or injury?

Trauma – wound or injury.

What term means pain in the stomach?

Medical Definition of gastralgia : pain in the stomach or epigastrium especially of a neuralgic type.

What is the meaning of screening test?

noun. a simple test performed on a large number of people to identify those who have or are likely to develop a specified disease.

Why is medical screening important?

Health screening helps to identify if the patient is at risk of, or has a disease or condition, that was not previously known about. Health screening can help people who have a family history of cardiovascular disease, stroke or diabetes with the process of prevention and provide them with timely treatments.

How do you explain triage to patients?

The Triage System is used to guide hospital staff so patients are seen according to how sick they are. This system allows patients with life- threatening problems to be seen first. The Nurse will make every effort for the patients with the most serious injury or illness to be seen first.

How do hospitals triage patients?

The triage nurse listens to the patient’s story, checks their vital signs, and orders necessary tests such as blood work, ECGs or X-rays. Based on the evaluation, the triage nurse decides if the patient needs immediate medical attention, or if it is safe for them to wait.