Table of Contents
What was Jonas biggest fear on his journey?
Jonas’ biggest fear is that they will starve to death. Jonas finds some berries and catches some fish, but he is aware of constant hunger.
What is Jonas most afraid of on his journey toward elsewhere?
Jonas’s biggest fear is starving and not making it to elsewhere.
What does Jonas struggle with?
In The Giver, Jonas’s primary struggle is the responsibility the community places on him by making him Receiver of Memory, an extraordinary burden for a 12-year old. In that way, these positive qualities become yet another weight around his neck, forcing him to undertake the journey with the help of the Giver.
What is the giver worried about?
Jonas settles on the word “apprehensive” to describe his feelings. He is worried because he is passing a major milestone for his community, and he does not know what is in store for him. He is going through a ritual that will end his childhood, and start to give him the responsibilities of an adult.
What is the most terrifying part of Jonas’s and Gabriel’s journey?
Unlock As he flees from his society and encounters a number of obstacles to their freedom, Jonas is most afraid that he and Gabriel will starve and he will be unable to save Gabriel and even himself. At the end of Chapter 22, Jonas and Gabriel have traveled for days without food.
What was jonas’response to the giver?
The Giver offered a very special memory to Jonas. What was it and what was Jonas’ response. The Giver said his job was to help the Community to become whole. Then he wanted to spend time with his daughter ,Rosemary. Jonas asked the Giver to escape with him.
What did Jonas do at the top of the mountain?
Jonas was forced to leave the bike and walk up the hill with Gabe. When he reached the top, he was flooded with happy memories. He found a sled and used it to go down the mountain. On the way down Jonas heard people singing.
How did Jonas react after he watched the release?
How did Jonas react after he watched the release? He realized the memories needed to be shared. His job lonely because he had to keep all the memories to himself. He was thinking of changing things.