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What were the terms of salt 1?

What were the terms of salt 1?

SALT I is considered the crowning achievement of the Nixon-Kissinger strategy of détente. The ABM Treaty limited strategic missile defenses to 200 interceptors each and allowed each side to construct two missile defense sites, one to protect the national capital, the other to protect one ICBM field.

When did the SALT talks begin?

May 26, 1972
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks/Start dates

What was agreed at Salt 1?

SALT I Treaty. SALT I is the common name for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement signed on May 26, 1972. One of the terms of the treaty required both countries to limit the number of deployment sites protected by an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system to one each.

What was the outcome of the first SALT treaty?

The SALT agreement and the ABM Treaty slowed the arms race and opened a period of U.S.-Soviet detente that lessened the threat of nuclear war. SALT was an executive agreement that capped U.S. and Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) forces.

What did salt 2 accomplish?

In June 1979, Carter and Brezhnev met in Vienna and signed the SALT-II agreement. The treaty basically established numerical equality between the two nations in terms of nuclear weapons delivery systems. It also limited the number of MIRV missiles (missiles with multiple, independent nuclear warheads).

Which of these were included in the SALT I?

The correct answers are A) a cap on nuclear arms and D) a limit on launch sites. The options that were included in the SALT 1 treaty were a cap on nuclear arms and a limit on launch sites.

How did the SALT 1 start?

In a summit meeting in Moscow, after two and a half years of negotiation, the first round of SALT was brought to a conclusion on May 26, 1972, when President Nixon and General Secretary Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and the Interim Agreement on strategic offensive arms.

What did the SALT 2 treaty do?

What was the SALT agreement?

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union that were aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

What was the SALT 2 treaty?

What did the SALT treaty do?

What was the SALT II treaty?