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Which part of the CPU carries out the calculations and logical decisions?

Which part of the CPU carries out the calculations and logical decisions?

The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations or decisions. It is where calculations are done and where decisions are made based on logic. The ALU performs calculations and makes logical decisions.

What does the calculations in the CPU?

The CPU performs calculations, makes logical comparisons and moves data up to billions of times per second. It works by executing simple instructions one at a time, triggered by a master timing signal that runs the whole computer.

Which internal component of a CPU performs calculations and logical operations?

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs the arithmetic and logical functions that are the work of the computer. The A and B registers hold the input data, and the accumulator receives the result of the operation. The instruction register contains the instruction that the ALU is to perform.

Which internal component performs calculations and logical operations quizlet?

Arithmetic Logic Unit. The part of the CPU that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations.

What is the parts of CPU?

The central processing unit (CPU) consists of six main components:

  • control unit (CU)
  • arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
  • registers.
  • cache.
  • buses.
  • clock.

What are the 3 main parts of a CPU?

The three logical units that make up the central processing unit are the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), main storage, and the control unit.

What is the part of CPU?

The CPU is made up of three main components, the control unit , the immediate access store and the arithmetic and logic unit .

What are the CPU parts?

Which part of the computer performs calculations quizlet?

Arithmetic Logic Unit. The part of the CPU that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations. A temporary storage location inside a CPU.

What is main part of CPU?