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Which term means is using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or normal meaning?

Which term means is using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or normal meaning?

irony. is using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or normal meaning.

What is the use of a word to mean the opposite of the literal meaning?

Full Definition of irony 1a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning.

Which term means a word or phrase that means something different from its literal meaning?

An idiom is an expression that means something different than the literal meaning of the words would suggest. It is the opposite of literal, so the figurative meaning of a word is different from the jts literal meaning of a word.

What is it called when you find the exact meaning of a word or phrase?

The denotation of a word or phrase is its explicit or direct meaning. The connotation of a word or phrase is the associated or secondary meaning; it can be something suggested or implied by a word or thing, rather than being explicitly named or described.

What is contradictory to the literal meaning?

A contradictory statement is one that says two things that cannot both be true. An example: My sister is jealous of me because I’m an only child. Contradictory is related to the verb contradict, which means to say or do the opposite, and contrary, which means to take an opposite view.

What figure of speech is characterized by seemingly contradictory but actually complementary ideas?

Antithesis can be defined as “a figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas, words, clauses, or sentences within a balanced grammatical structure. Parallelism of expression serves to emphasize opposition of ideas”.

What is the word for saying something and meaning the opposite?

Antiphrasis is the rhetorical device of saying the opposite of what is actually meant in such a way that it is obvious what the true intention is. Some authors treat and use antiphrasis just as irony, euphemism or litotes.

What does it mean when someone says one thing but does the opposite?

asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements. Hypocrite would be a good word if the man in question is malicious.

When you say something but do the opposite?

“Contra-” usually means “against,” and to contradict is to go against or say the opposite of what someone else is doing or saying. Sometimes to contradict is to frustrate with words, like when one person says “The sky is blue” and another says “No, it’s azure.”

When you say something but really mean something else?

Irony is “the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” Inside jokes told subtly, so that outsiders don’t even know they are told, creates irony.

How do you use context to determine the meaning of words?

use context clues, such as restatement, a synonym, an example, or a direct description or definition included in a sentence or paragraph, to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar words. use context as a clue to infer the correct meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases.

What is the difference between denotation and connotation examples?

Denotation is the standard definition of a word, whereas connotation is the feeling evoked by a word. Let’s consider another word: gritty. The definition of gritty is “having a rough texture.” So, in a literal sense (denotation), we might say: This sandpaper is gritty.