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Why is the nasal passage important?

Why is the nasal passage important?

When you exhale the old air from your lungs, the nose is the main way for the air to leave your body. But your nose is more than a passageway for air. The nose also warms, moistens, and filters the air before it goes to the lungs.

Does the nasal cavity have a large surface area?

The surface area of the nasal cavity is about 160 cm2, or 96 m2 if the microvilli are included. The olfactory region, however, is only about 5 cm2 (0.3 m2 including the microvilli).

Why is the surface of the nasal cavity always covered with mucus?

Lining the nasal cavity is a mucous membrane rich with blood vessels. The increased surface area and the many blood vessels enable the nose to warm and humidify incoming air quickly. Cells in the mucous membrane produce mucus and have tiny hairlike projections (cilia).

How large is the nasal cavity?

The nasal cavity is a large, air-filled space above and behind the nose in the middle of the face. The nasal septum divides the cavity into two cavities, also known as fossae. Each cavity is the continuation of one of the two nostrils….

Nasal cavity
TA2 3165
FMA 54378
Anatomical terminology

What is nasal passage?

Nasal passage: A channel for airflow through the nose. The walls of the nasal passages are coated with respiratory mucous membranes, which contain innumerable tiny hair-like cells that move waves of mucus toward the throat.

What is the function of the nasal cavity in the respiratory system?

The nasal cavity functions to humidify, warm, filter, and act as a conduit for inspired air, as well as protect the respiratory tract through the use of the mucociliary system. The nasal cavity also houses the receptors responsible for olfaction.

How is the nasal cavity structurally adapted to its function?

How is the nasal cavity structurally adapted to its function(s)? Nasal conchae produce turbulence to filter, moisten, warm incoming air. What is the function of the Type II alveolar cell? It produces surfactant.

What is the meaning of nasal passage?

Why do I have big nostrils?

Many scientists believe the quality of the air in a region is related to how noses developed over time. For example, in tropical climates, air is hot, humid, and more rarified. Therefore, nostrils are open and wider to let more air flow in. Conversely, in colder climates, air is usually drier.