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What is another term for messenger?

What is another term for messenger?

In this page you can discover 38 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for messenger, like: prophet, ambassador, emissary, herald, boy, page, precursor, angel, minister, intermediary and pigeon.

What is a antonym for messenger?

We have listed all the opposite words for messenger alphabetically. receiver. acceptor. assignee. beneficiary.

What word means send and messenger?

courier, emissary, go-between, mediator, prophet, agent, ambassador, bearer, carrier, commissionaire, crier, delegate, detachment, detail, dispatcher, envoy, forerunner, gofer, harbinger, herald.

What are some words for chat?

Synonyms of chat

  • backchat,
  • cackle,
  • causerie,
  • chatter,
  • chin music,
  • chin-wag.
  • [slang],
  • chitchat,

What is a message bearer?

A person who carries a message or is employed to carry messages. ‘I said to the editor who was the message-bearer that it wasn’t true, and it didn’t belong in the story, period.

What is the name of a messenger of God?

Hermes (Greek origin) means “messenger of the Gods”.

What is messenger simple words?

1 : one who bears a message or does an errand: such as. a archaic : forerunner, herald. b : a dispatch bearer in government or military service. c : an employee who carries messages.

Is Messager a word?

A messenger; one who carries a message.

What is N means in chat?

N means “And.”

What dot means in chat?

To show time passing without anything being said they put in dots. If I send you a single dot in an SMS or chat it means, I’m here. I’m reading. I’m not saying anything.

What is a better word than kind?

kindly, good-natured, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, good-hearted, tender, caring, feeling, affectionate, loving, warm, gentle, mellow, mild. considerate, helpful, thoughtful, obliging, unselfish, selfless, altruistic, good, cooperative, accommodating, attentive.